96cm x 28cm x 20cm
Portland Stone
96cm x 28cm x 20cm
Portland Stone
20cm x 34.5cm x 34.5cm
Bath Stone
20cm x 34.5cm x 34.5cm
Bath Stone
20cm x 34.5cm x 34.5cm
Bath Stone
32cm high
English Alabaster
32cm high
English Alabaster
84cm x 16cm x 15cm
Portland Stone
100cm x 60cm x 50cm
Portland Stone
100cm x 60cm x 50cm
Portland Stone
100cm x 60cm x 50cm
Portland Stone
36cm x 12cm x 10cm
Forest of Dean Sandstone
36cm x 12cm x 10cm
Forest of Dean Sandstone
36cm x 12cm x 10cm
Forest of Dean Sandstone
Portland Stone
Portland Stone
Portland Stone
Forest of Dean Sandstone
20cm x 22cm x 10cm
Forest of Dean Sandstone
Forest of Dean Sandstone